Now. It's that simple. It's that urgent.
So begins Dick Morris and Eileen McGann's latest and most important book. They say that we must act before President Barack Obama fully implements his radical political agenda. Because after Obama has won his war on prosperity and canceled the war on terror, it will be too late to regain our liberty or our security.
At a time when we needed a pragmatic centrist to lead us out of recession, we got a doctrinaire socialist who wants to use the crisis to put the government in charge of the economy and enact European socialism here in the United States. Cars, banks-what's next? He will keep at it until Washington governs every major business in America and sets all our salaries.
It's a catastrophe.
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann saw the meltdown coming. In their book "Outrage", they called out the house of cards that was Fannie Mae. In "Fleeced", they went after the credit card companies, the subprime mortgage lenders, and the hedge fund billionaires who conspired to wreck the economy-and Barack Obama, whose policies, they predicted last summer, would "trigger a stock market crash."
Now, in Catastrophe, Morris and McGann take a hard look at America in free fall-and at how Obama is transforming a vulnerable America into a socialist state.
They tell the truth about Obama and his radical policies:
- He will destroy our health care system so that no one gets adequate care.
- He designed his bank rescue plan to pave the way for nationalization of the banks and socialization of the economy.
- He firmly believes in government control of our major industries-he's already commandeered the banks and the automobile industry.
- He plans to reshape the political landscape to keep the left in power for decades by cooking the census, enfranchising illegal immigrants, muzzling talk radio, and coercing workers into unions.
- He is attacking those who fight terrorism while letting the terrorists go free.
- He gives aid to Hamas while Shariah Law threatens to take over America.
- He has repealed the Declaration of Independence and put us under a worldwide, European-dominated financial regulatory system.
But Obama is not working alone. Morris and McGann spell out how Congress is complicit:
- How Senator Chris Dodd and Congressman Charlie Rangel use special interests and special friends for their own enrichment and glorification.
- How Ted Kennedy Jr. is exploiting his father's health care power.
"This is no time for apathy or alienation or hopelessness," Morris and McGann remind us. "It's a time for action." And that action must begin now-before it's too late.
By Dick Morris and Eileen McGann – Order Their New Book Today: Catastrophe
Posted: Knowledge Creates Power
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