GBTV - Where the Truth Lives

Election Season 2014

And it has brought us to this trainwreck called ObamaCare and we have bankrupted our kids and grandkids!

We are now headed into the 2014 Election Season and common sense and conservatism are on the rise. Please stand-up and be counted!

Reading Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election is a great place to start!

The Founding Father's Real Reason for the Second Amendment

And remember the words of Thomas Jefferson "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." See Video of Suzanna Gratia-Hupp’s Congressional Testimony: What the Second Amendment is REALLY For, below (u-tube HERE).

The Leaders Are Here... Palin, Cruz, Lee, Paul, Chaffetz....


Can You Really Still Believe That None of These People Would Have Done a Better Job???

Bloggers' Rights at EFF


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

GB: How Do You Define a Radical???

The big question that we should all be asking ourselves is:  Who are the radicals???  And what is the agenda?

Video 1 – How Do You Define a Radial?

In Cased You Missed It:  We are All Enslaved to and Dependent on the Government… Time to Bake and Share Our Own Pie!

Obama advisors are now looking at ways to help the White House change the path of the upcoming election!! The next six-weeks will be full of attacks on the tea party… making them and the candidates they support appear like radical crazies…

It has already been leaked that the White House is planning a frontal assault on the Tea Party…

Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P to the Tea Party… Plan Ad Attack

Here are some the Tea Party’s radical ideas and principles:

smaller government

lower taxes

less spending

uphold the constitution

back to values

Knowing that the left will continue to re-write history, he is pulling together a photo book from the 8.28 Restore Honor Event, so we will have the truth on record!  - Pre-order Glenn Beck's 8/28 Picture Book

Progressives have spent two years demonizing Sarah Palin, weaving tales and spreading fear about a women who supports the Constitution and average folks, who in turn support her.

Now they are attacking Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, Joe , Wilson, Rand Paul… and the list goes on with the same negative fervor.

Admitted Marxist vs. Former Friend of a Teenage Witch (in High School)  -  Give me the Witchy Women!!

The left and in particular Nancy Pelosi attacked the tea party for a few crazy signs… but here is a sign from this weekend, and there isn’t a peep.


Illinois Campaign Protestors Portray Conservatives as Nazis (Updated)

Cover-Up:  Democratic Congresswoman Continues to Deny Involvement With Palin-as-Hitler Protest

Our White House is full of radicals that nobody voted for nor got vetted or were approved by the Congress; people that are anti-free market; self-avowed Marxists and Communists; pro-eugenics, pro-depopulation; and anti-Constitution.  They think we are all Homer Simpsons, so we need to be manipulated by the them; the Progressive radicals???

Radical Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” which is dedicated to Lucifer is now recommended reading for all teachers.

--> Blaze Mix Video:  Top 20 Pro-Socialism Sound Bites of Obama, Advisors and Allies  <--

Obama’s Protection Bureau is being headed up by Elizabeth Warren, who was not vetted by anyone, will be funded out of the Federal Reserve, directly… so it can’t be defunded.  This should scare you!!

Video 2:  How Do You Define a Radical?

`Another Day, Another Obama Czar  -  Obama again circumvented the Congressional approval and vetting process by appointing old friend and radical Elizabeth Warren to a created position, instead of the real job she will be doing.

Show me your friends and I will show you your future…

John Holder… Cass Sunstein, Elizabeth Warren, Van Jones, George Soros, etc are Obama’s friends… plus these

-->  Obama’s Science Czar… We Need to De-Develop the United States <--

And they are will on their way:

U.S. Backs $1B Loan to Mexico for Oil Drilling Despite Obama….

US Government Loaned Petrobus $1- Billion to Drill 4.3 Miles Down…  Soros is a large Petrobas Owner

Choices That We Are Being Nudged Into by Cass Sunstien and the White House

They are already deciding which household appliances that Americans will and will not be allowed to have in the future…  It has already begun with the light bulb…

Government mandated lightbulbs are making us sick Yet:

Light Bulb Factory Closes; End of Era for U.S.; Means More Jobs Overseas… and Good Luck For People Who Like Incandescent Light

Did you know that it is against the law to dig a hole at the beach in Florida… even just to build a sand castle??

Building Sand Castles on Florida’s Beaches is Illegal, Fed Tell Oil-Hunting Reporter  -  Part of BP Oil Spill Cover-Up

Video:  Feds Threaten Man on Oiled Florida Beach:  '”ILLEGAL TO DIG”  -  NO SAND CASTLES

Did you know that you can not longer grow food and share it ?

Georgia Man Fined for Growing Vegetables and then Sharing Them

Codex Alimentarius Signed Into Law by Obama

S 510 Hissing in the Grass

Frankenfood, Coming Soon to a Store Near You?

How about this?  They are working on your kids ELMO!in school and even in cartoons and on the Muppets to promote their agenda including redistribution!

Elmo wants to redistribute wealthYour government hard at work - they've enlisted the help of Elmo to push for redistributive change. The FCC is using children, saying all kids should be connected to the Internet and not that crappy dial up. Elmo says he's tired of buffering, so he needs free broadband access! Watch the video from The Blaze.

People are waking up… but much too slowly.  We must vote!! Bagdad just had 95% voter turn out, with people often in danger of penalty of death. Our highest recorded voter percentage ever was in 60%’s… in the 1960’s.  But lately, even with all that is at stake, voter turn out has been is in the 30%’s…. 38% in the last election.  We must get our voting percentages back into the 40% if not higher!  We must vote and help people get registered and to the polls that need assistance.  We must volunteer to work at the polls, to help count and supervise the counting of votes, and help secure the safety at polling places.  And we must insist that nobody is seated or remains in office if found out to be there illegally like Al Franken.  And we must pray that everyone who votes is educating themselves as who and what they are voting on and why!  It is each of our responsibilities.

Obama went back to Church this weekend… After Muslim rumors fly and Huckabee lectures Obama over weekend. Perhaps his poll numbers might help answer the question as to why?!?  He, of course, attended the presidents’  “to be seen at church” in D.C. where presidents have gone since Madison, to do just that… to be seen.

Video 3 – How Do You Define a Radical?

Obama’s Go To First Church Service Since Easter

Or was Obama’s reasoning something different?  --> Obama goes to church to hear a Muslim speaker! <--  The Post & Email ^ | September 20, 2010 | Brigitte de Maubec by this is my country

Yesterday, on Sunday, September 19, 2010, the Obama family attended church for only the third time in a year. They went on foot to the St. John’s Episcopal Church situated across the Lafayette Park.

But what is widely not reported by the White House and the MSM is that on that particular Sunday in that particular church, Dr. Ziad Asali, M.D., a Muslim, founder and president of the American Task Force on Palestine, was the guest speaker. He was there to speak on the subject of “Prospects of the two-state solution in the Middle-East.”

According to the website of the American Task Force on Palestine, it is a “non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, DC.” The organization describes itself as “dedicated to advocating that it is in the American national interest to promote an end to the conflict in the Middle East through a negotiated agreement that provides for two states – Israel and Palestine – living side by side in peace and security.”

Dr. Ziad J. Asali is described as “a long-time activist on Middle East issues” who has testified to both chambers of Congress about Palestinian interests, increased U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority, and “Israel’s disproportionate use of force” in Gaza. A retired physician, Asali received his early medical training at the American University of Beirut. He previously served as President of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Chairman of the American Committee on Jerusalem (ACJ), which he also co-founded He also served as the President of the Arab-American University Graduates (AAUG).

Huckabee: Obama Treats Muslims Better Than Jews, Christians

Just last week Obama left ‘the Creator’ out of the Declaration of Independence in his speech…

President Obama Re-Writes Declaration of Independence to Leave Out Creator

Progressives vowed to destroy our history, faith and Constitution and have done just that over the past 100+ years.

Beck’s answer:  Restore our Faith, Hope and Charity…

3-books that are must reads for everyone are:  George Washington's Sacred Fire, A Patriot's History of the United St..., and  The 5000 Year Leap… as well as the Bible, Torah other book of faith

We must get right with God to save our Country!

Beck in Obama’s Back Yard:  We’ve Had Enough!

The Progressives are blatantly moving ahead with their plans of globalization, a NWO and De-Developing America right in front of our eyes:

This Week:

United Nations to Fully Implement Agenda 21, Obama to Endorse Plan at 9/20-22 Summit  -  United Nations General Assembly NotesPDF (This meeting is happening right now… where is the media coverage?)

The United Nations 2nd Committee will bring to consideration full worldwide implementation of Agenda 21 to the 65th General Assembly. (9.20 – 22.10)

SNIP: "Under the sustainable development umbrella, the Committee was expected to consider implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development; follow-up to, and implementation of, the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States; the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, protection of global climate for present and future generations; implementation of the United...

U.N. Preview:  Is Obama Losing His ‘Rock Star Status’?


GOP Plans New ‘Contract With America’ to Repeal Obama Agenda

More… More Sh*t Than Shinola to Cover It – 9.18.10

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