GBTV - Where the Truth Lives

Election Season 2014

And it has brought us to this trainwreck called ObamaCare and we have bankrupted our kids and grandkids!

We are now headed into the 2014 Election Season and common sense and conservatism are on the rise. Please stand-up and be counted!

Reading Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election is a great place to start!

The Founding Father's Real Reason for the Second Amendment

And remember the words of Thomas Jefferson "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." See Video of Suzanna Gratia-Hupp’s Congressional Testimony: What the Second Amendment is REALLY For, below (u-tube HERE).

The Leaders Are Here... Palin, Cruz, Lee, Paul, Chaffetz....


Can You Really Still Believe That None of These People Would Have Done a Better Job???

Bloggers' Rights at EFF


Friday, June 18, 2010

GB: The Perfect Storm Ignited by an Archduke Ferdinand Moment… Is it the BP Spill?

We are entering a new phase… We are no longer just being nudged…  Are heading toward and Archduke Ferdinand moment?  have we reached the pinnacle moment of perfect storm?

You need to be aware what to watch for in the news being released

Obama’s speech has been misinterpreted by most…  He said exactly what he wanted to say.

What did it mean… He will not accept that we cannot fundamentally transform our energy into a   ->  he talked of battle plans… Stephanopoulos used “marshal or war” language.  His speech was an announcement of war… declaring war over an oil spill.

The moral equivalent of war is needed to pass unpopular bills… like Woodrow Wilson said.  Bernays brought about the awareness of using propaganda to shape policy.  Goebbels admitted that they learned propaganda from us, progressive Americans.  It works on real and manufactured crisis, because Americans will say, “Well if there is a crisis, we have to do something.  Unfortunately the something is usually giving up freedoms and rights.  And the reason we don’t realize this or that it takes us a long time is because we not longer are taught or learn “real” history.

Think about it… we no longer are waging “war” on terror, but now we have war on global warming and oil spills.

If we (the government was really concerned about fixing the oil spill) we would have turned all out energy and focus on stopping the gusher… the leak and saving the gulf coast, not starting a created war on a created issue.  Climate Change is all about a grabbing power and there is no stomach in the congress right now for passing this kind of legislation, especially after ObamaCare.  So… they have to create or capitalize on a crisis to get it done.

At the America’s Future Now Convention… the Progressive’s Convention where Nancy Pelosi was attacked for not being liberal enough and for not giving an Obama support group the funds they were promised, the Pelosi, Van Jones and others rang the bell to step the pressure.  The Progressives had their (please read the notes on STORM… Van Jones’ group now.)

Spain that is going into bankrupt because of the its green economy shift is warning America that we are being pushed over the cliff… a forced green economy is a death sentence.  But Obama has stated that he will not take no for an answer to forced Cap ‘n’ Trade.

(Progressives… Socialists, Marxists etc are becoming restless)

George Soros’s Center for American Progress, writes the President’s speeches and chooses Obama’s staff.

Brazil stands to be the greatest winner off our oil spill.  Soros owns $900,000,000 worth of stock in  Petrobus, Brazil’s national oil company.  Obama at Soros’s bidding has put a moratorium on deep-water drilling off  US shores, which  will cost hundreds of thousands of American jobs by causing the rigs off our shores to move to other countries (mostly Brazil).  Then, Obama is loaning Brazil $2 Billion for drilling in deeper water than here, where we have had the spill. And Obama then wants to force us into Cap ‘n’ Trade restrictions, upping all our energy costs, destroying another American industry as well as free market Capitalism and devastate what is left of our economy. (Wake up America!)

Soros Ready to Profit from Oil Disaster

Soros Ready to Profit from Oil Disaster

Even liberal CNBC is starting to realize that something is wrong…  it is not a president’s job to create laws, but rather to enforce laws and the Constitution and to protect America.

Why were people ‘in the know’ purchasing large volumes of stock in NALCO the chemical dispersant and water purification manufacturing company used in the Gulf clean-up, last November?  -  Investigation Reveals Possible Criminal Activity Connecting Obama to BP Oil Spill - JoAnne Moretti, along with a team of investigators, delved into records which pointed to a paper trail connecting the major players in this disaster--BP, Deep Water Horizon, Halliburton, Citigroup, Goldman-Sachs, the U.S. Government, and a company called 'NALCO.'  A few recognizable names of individuals involved in the paper trail also surfaced--Warren Buffet, George Soros, John Holdren, Tony Rezko....and Barack Obama.

The Obama Oil Spill: The worst oil spill in U.S. history.
And a president who doesn't seem to care


Fannie and Freddie have been delisted by the NY Stock Exchange.  By next month, you won’t be able to get their stock at all.  But the good news is that they have a patent on a protector for your power… for when we pass Cap and Trade.   They tried to push this being a surge protector, but in reality will be able to turn off the energy in your home.  Alfred Pollard said it will stop unauthorized people from plugging in appliances in your home… hello?  The problem is that once this is installed, it cannot be removed (except with a special tool) and will be under  “their control”, not yours…. really?  We have surge protectors… and they are under our control.

BREAKING NEWS: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ordered to delist from NYSE

Washington Post: Breaking News: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ordered to delist from NYSE  -  Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 10:34:52 -0600

WASHINGTON — The Federal Housing Finance Agency has ordered Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to delist from the New York Stock Exchange and any other national securities exchange.

What is this really all about?  Freddie and Fannie bought the patent in 2004.  Then in 2007 they chose to let it go into the public domain

They also own another patent…. the Residential Carbon Trading System???

Why would mortgages companies be involved in patents like this?

Are all these emergencies related and focused on destroying America and finally opening the door to creating the type of government that the Progressives have been building the ground work and infrastructure for years?

Are there really people who believe that Communism (whatever they call it) in America?  The answer is Absolutely!  In addition to the Progressive left, it is young people who have no idea what functional Socialism in the forms of Fascism and Communism is and can be like because they haven’t lived through it, either in one of those countries or they (the USSR, Cuba , China, etc) were in their hay day of terror, or because they have no interest and awareness in history and no interest or awareness in true news and conditions of places like Venezuela…

The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents--The Definitive Edition (The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek) – This book changed Ronald Reagan’s perspective.  People in the USSR chanced 7-years in jail for reading this book.

Americans for Prosperity: Obama’s Oval Office Speech was so similar to fellow progressive liberal President Jimmy Carter’s Malaise speech, they almost seamlessly fit together

Obama Declares War on Spill

By Glenn Beck

Video:  Obama Declares War on Spill – Video –


President Obama declares war

We're entering a new phase, gang, and you're seeing it played out in the media right now. We are no longer being nudged to get in line. You are getting shoved.

There's a war being fought and it isn't against the oil spill, it's a war on your very way of life. The words I'm hearing in the media right now are some of the most shocking words I've ever heard. And they call me crazy? I'm going to play some of the clips for you tonight — you won't believe it — but first I want to look at the president's address on the BP spill.

They're comparing it to Jimmy Carter's "crisis of confidence" speech, where Carter was his usual inept, wimpy self. No, Obama didn't blow it; he did exactly what he wanted to. This speech was a declaration of war — listen to the language:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The one approach I will not accept is inaction. The one answer I will not settle for is the idea that this challenge is somehow too big and too difficult to meet. You know, the same thing was said about our ability to produce enough planes and tanks in World War II.


And this one:


OBAMA: I've returned from a trip to the Gulf Coast to speak with you about the battle we're waging against an oil spill that is assaulting our shores and our citizens.... Tonight I'd like to lay out for you what our battle plan is going forward.


Battle plan; assault on our shores; World War II — George Stephanopolous described it as "martial language":


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC: Those Oval Office addresses are often used when the nation is at war and tonight the president used martial language. He talked about a "siege," the "assault on our shores" and his "battle plan" to fix it. And he said we have to "rally together." And I think what the White House was reaching for tonight is the feel of Franklin Roosevelt during World War II and those fireside chats. And the president even said that during World War II they said we couldn't build enough planes and tanks, but we did. We can beat this as well.


Make no mistake, this was a war speech.

It was Obama's first speech from the Oval Office as president. Presidents usually only give an address from the Oval Office for extremely unusual events, like major economic news, addressing a tragedy or an announcement of war.

Don't get me wrong: This oil spill is a disaster. It's an actual crisis, not a manufactured one like health care. But remember, it's Obama who went on national TV to plead for the passage of the stimulus bill, because America may not make it if it doesn't pass and he didn't use the Oval Office for that one.

So the complete and total collapse of America doesn't warrant a speech from the Oval Office, but an oil spill that the president has waited months to address (and golfed six times and went to McCartney concerts in the meantime) suddenly does?

Why is Obama declaring war on the oil spill? As usual, the answer is found in history. This speech may as well have been given by Woodrow Wilson or FDR. Progressives need a crisis with the moral equivalent to war to pass unpopular bills. That's not my theory — remember, it was Woodrow Wilson propaganda specialist Edward Bernays who was so excited about how well their war propaganda worked that he wanted to expand the idea:

"It was, of course, the astounding success of propaganda during the war that opened the eyes of the intelligent few in all departments of life to the possibilities of regimenting the public mind. It was only natural after the war ended that intelligent persons should ask themselves whether it was not possible to apply a similar technique to the problems of peace."

Bernays was an incredibly influential man. He was mentioned in diaries of Goebbels. The Nazis learned propaganda from us. It was the emergency propaganda that led Jews to the ovens: Jews were causing problems, they'd take over banks according to them. Some of the worst villains in all of history have used the idea of propaganda the way the American Bernays (under Woodrow Wilson) intended it to be used. It's a progressive tactic and it works on both manufactured and real crisis. Because if there is a crisis, people will say "you've got to do something!"

George W. Bush, a progressive, put the massive Patriot Act through after Sept. 11. It was easy; we had to do something against a foreign enemy. And so we created the Department of Homeland Security and we took off our shoes and our belts and we believed it. We believed Bush was going to keep us safe. Until we didn't fix our borders, then we realized it wasn't really about protecting us, it was about something else. It was about big government and control. It didn't feel right.

As president, one of the first things Obama did was change the name "War on Terror" to an "overseas contingency operation." He said there is no War on Terror or Islamic extremism. But now he's announcing a war on an oil slick. Again, it doesn't feel right.

We saw on the border, if the government really wanted to protect us, they would stop the flood of illegal immigrants first. And if this were really about stopping the oil spill, before talking about energy taxes and cap-and-trade and solar panels, you'd stop the oil. It's called a tourniquet!

Obama says this is a war, yet he's only meeting with the CEO of BP for 20 minutes? The people on his "commission" know almost nothing about oil wells, except for the fact that they are activists who want to stop offshore drilling.

Fran Beinecke, the head of the White House National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, has no oil experience, but she is the president of the Natural Resources Defense Council and has publicly voiced opposition to traditional energy sources.

The president is using this to gain power, to take advantage of crisis and use it to jam through legislation that otherwise would never have a chance. And right now, the things progressives want have no chance. Leading Democrats are saying there is no political will to pass the climate bill. Obama wants to do what he believes is right: Pass the climate bill. But he can't. If he just had some people to help force him do what he believes is right. Wait, where have I heard that before? Oh yes, from the communists and the socialists.

Remember the video we showed you from the progressive America's Future Now conference? They were throwing stuff at Nancy Pelosi because they are upset. Van Jones told the crowd that the president is on your side, he really wants to do things — but he needs the will of the people behind him! So you have to start from the bottom up


VAN JONES, FORMER WHITE HOUSE GREEN JOBS "CZAR": This week will mark an historic inflection point when progressives decided to be progressive again in this country.

So now your challenge, as you leave here — our challenge — is to take care of that bottom-up part and that inside-out part: the heart part. That's where we're weak now.


He can't go it alone. He needs an atmosphere that allows the president to know what he is doing is right. Got it? And Van Jones said at that conference that something has changed. Even the people at CNBC are noticing something's wrong:


MATT NESTO, CNBC: But I'm very troubled by the fact that the president has once again created his own sense of, of a legal system…. It's not his job to create laws. It's his job to enforce laws.


That's CNBC noticing something is wrong. But the president couldn't get that to happen unless those who want fundamental transformation to start creating the conditions where president can do what he knows is right.

Rosie O'Donnell is out there calling for government to seize BP:


ROSIE O'DONNELL: I say seize their assets... right now. Seize their assets today. Take over the country, I don't care. Issue an executive order and say, BP, guess what? Call it socialism. Call it communism. Call it anything you want. Let's watch Rush Limbaugh explode on TV. Seize the assets, take over BP.


MSNBC, the same network who has called me crazy for suggesting that we are heading down a big government road that could eventually lead to a dictator — maybe the next president, maybe not Obama, but down the road — well, listen to this:


ED SCHULTZ, MSNBC: Mr. President, I want to see the boot on the neck of BP tonight. I want to see some finger-pointing whether it's in your personality or not. And it's OK tonight to act kind of like a dictator and call the shots, saying this is the way it's going to be.

Don't you think this is a moment where President Obama has to make sure that he lets everybody know that he's calling the shots, and almost in words of maybe a dictator, that this is the way we're going to do it?


They are calling for him to act like a dictator? I get in hot water for showing how we are expanding government so much that if the wrong guy gets in there we'll have a dictator. But MSNBC can literally demand that the president start being a dictator and there's crickets?

Everyone is saying that the president is in trouble because he's lost MSNBC, the thrill up the leg network. Yes, this is exactly as designed by Van Jones and other progressives at the America's Future Now conference. They're working from the bottom up and creating an environment where fundamental transformation can take place. And they are using every device they can.

Time Magazine and everyone else ridiculed me as Howard Beale. They said he was dangerous, crazy. But now MSNBC is now touting Dylan Ratigan as Howard Beale. In a profile interview, Ratigan was asked about being an "angry anchorman" like Beale — and the interviewer said the host was "happy to acknowledge" that: "We need that guy from 'Network.' At some point somebody has to walk in the room and be like, 'None of you are solving the problem!'"

Isn't it amazing that the media is now calling for an angry, forceful Howard Beale-like character from the president, just to get things done? One host is actually calling for a dictator. The media doesn't seem to have a problem with the president making up his own laws. As it always is in history with progressives, they're never responsible for their own problems.

'Glenn Beck': Who Gains From Offshore Drilling Moratorium?


George Soros, billionaire progressive activist (CFR Member and Carlyle Group Member among others)

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," June 17, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: By the way, I told you to remember the moral equivalent of war. I said Obama's speech was nothing like Jimmy Carter's "crisis of confidence" speech and that's true. Perhaps it's because he learned from that speech.

During his speech, Carter read several views of different citizens, including this one from a, quote, "labor leader." Watch:


JIMMY CARTER, U.S. PRESIDENT:And the last that I'll read: "When we enter the moral equivalent of war, Mr. President, don't issue us BB guns."


BECK: Well, it's good thing that progressives learned from their mistake. We are still looking for moral equivalent of war. But the president certainly hasn't issued the labor leaders and the labor unions in this country BB guns. He's about to give them the keys to the armory.

I'm going to talk to you now about the energy reform — reform that no one wants. In fact, reform that even Spain's media is warning the Americans about, saying, "Obama is about to push America over the green cliff."  (Spain is on the verge or bankruptcy and losing democracy because of the government adopting can ‘n’ trade type green legislation.)

Here's an idea: Let's make a rule that no major reforms can be jammed through during a crisis or a "moral equivalent of war." We're not thinking clearly. It's kind of like hooking up while intoxicated. It seems like a great idea at the time, but then the beer goggles are removed and you think, why the rush?

Why are we doing — why are we force-feeding everything: health care, financial reform, immigration? Now, gigantic environmental tragedy is going to be used to tell us not how to shut the spigot here, but try to get us off of an oil-based economy immediately with no definable plan.

The coalition has fallen apart on this energy bill — cap-and-trade. They've already tried it and then it died. They tried it again and it died. Then they tried the American Power Act — cap-and-trade with a new name — and that died. And voila! Now, we have an emergency. And we know in progressive emergencies, you are never the one that wins.

A six-month moratorium on drilling is a death sentence. Why? Why is it a death sentence? Well, you know those big oil platforms that are sitting down and they're going a mile down to drill — those big oil platforms are not cheap. They don't just sit around if they're not being used. They are immediately leased to some place else in the world and they are used for as long as they last.

You don't just sit around with empty equipment. It doesn't just go back on the beach. So when it's gone, it's gone. And so are the jobs, because not everybody can — not everybody can build them or work them. It's first come, first serve.

So, what happens to the equipment and the jobs? Where are they going? How does that help you? A drilling moratorium — cap-and-trade — is going to make your life easier and cheaper. Does that sound real? Will your energy be cheaper? Will your job be or more less secure? (Seems BP and Enron are pretty excited about Cap and Trade also… makes you wonder if anyone really wants to cap the gusher??)

If your job isn't more secure and your energy isn't cheaper, who wins? Because you're not. Who does? Well, the usual suspects.

The estimate of lost jobs due to Obama’s drilling moratorium alone is 120,000 jobs at minimum.

Let me tell you here about George Soros, the billionaire progressive activist that funds the Center for American Progress. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Center for American Progress — which is the group that Van Jones and everybody has been hiding out in and picked the president staff — helps the president write his talking points and makes decisions. The report in The Wall Street Journal states May 4, for instance, the cap-and-trade energy and environment expert Daniel Weiss called on the president to name an independent commission to look at the causes of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. On May 22, he did just that.

On May 21, CAP president, John Podesta, privately implored White House officials to name someone to the public point person on the spill response. Guess what? A few days later, they did that.

On May 26, Weiss said that the White House needed to demand that BP immediately set up an escrow account with billions of dollars from which claims of the Gulf State residents would be paid out. Oh, yes. They did that one as well.

But don't worry. It's not like George Soros has anything to gain from how the president handles BP or anything like that. That would, of course, be wrong. And if that were happening I'm sure everyone in the media would be all over it — especially — especially thinking that there is a lot to gain here.

For instance, in Brazil. Brazil — according to Reuters, Brazil is the one that really stands to benefit from the BP oil spill catastrophe. As the U.S. moratorium makes more rigs available for other countries, Brazil is going to gobble them up. Brazil is plowing ahead now with a $220 billion, five-year — $220 billion five-year plan to tap oil fields that are deeper than BP's ill-fated Gulf well. Remember, $220 billion, it's deeper than what we have here and the equipment is going to go from the Gulf down there.

But again, George Soros has nothing to gain from this. He is just telling the president what to do through the Center for American Progress. Soros Fund Management, LLC — I guess we should tell you this — holds a stake in Petrobras. That is the oil company in Brazil in the amount of $900 million as of December 31, 2009.

Petrobras, the Brazilian oil company, that the Obama administration — get this — the Obama administration is now lending $2 billion to. You ready? Wait for it. What is the $2 billion going for? To perform offshore drilling in Brazil.

Let's see if I have this right: We ban it here; we lose the jobs here; we send the rigs down there; we loan Brazil the money to do the drilling in deeper water; the oil company — the big investor is George Soros who is advising the president on how he should handle the Gulf. Hmm.

The criminally-negligent media are too busy right now showing you pictures of birds with oil on them. They don't have time to bring you stories of politician and billionaires with grease all over their palms.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel


Today… only 3-days after Obama told us all that he was in-charge and his focus was to clean-up the gulf crisis… he launches a new campaign… the Summer of Recovery to convince Americans that his stimulus recovery program is working and then they shut down Bobby Jindal’s efforts because of red tape.

Coast Guard Shuts Down Oil-skimming Barges Due to … Lack of Life Vests Onboard

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