GBTV - Where the Truth Lives

Election Season 2014

And it has brought us to this trainwreck called ObamaCare and we have bankrupted our kids and grandkids!

We are now headed into the 2014 Election Season and common sense and conservatism are on the rise. Please stand-up and be counted!

Reading Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election is a great place to start!

The Founding Father's Real Reason for the Second Amendment

And remember the words of Thomas Jefferson "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." See Video of Suzanna Gratia-Hupp’s Congressional Testimony: What the Second Amendment is REALLY For, below (u-tube HERE).

The Leaders Are Here... Palin, Cruz, Lee, Paul, Chaffetz....


Can You Really Still Believe That None of These People Would Have Done a Better Job???

Bloggers' Rights at EFF


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Photo of the Year? - Real, Not Photo-shopped, Picture From Reuters Encapsulates Entire Phenomenon of Obama




h/t to Breitbart/Big Government and Ace


“I am new enough on the national political scene
that I serve as a blank screen on which
people of vastly different political stripes
project their own views.”

-- Barack H. Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (Vintage)

Interesting how Obama purposely gave the voters as little information about himself, his background and his relationships or about his plans as president as possible, if he were to be elected, yet now Team Obama is hounding Mitt Romney for full disclosure on everything, over and above requirements, and for details on his future plans after being elected.  A little odd and a lot hypocritical wouldn’t you say?!? 

Photo of the year? I think so.

Thomas Sowell's take on Movie 2016.......sold out theater

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