GBTV - Where the Truth Lives

Election Season 2014

And it has brought us to this trainwreck called ObamaCare and we have bankrupted our kids and grandkids!

We are now headed into the 2014 Election Season and common sense and conservatism are on the rise. Please stand-up and be counted!

Reading Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election is a great place to start!

The Founding Father's Real Reason for the Second Amendment

And remember the words of Thomas Jefferson "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." See Video of Suzanna Gratia-Hupp’s Congressional Testimony: What the Second Amendment is REALLY For, below (u-tube HERE).

The Leaders Are Here... Palin, Cruz, Lee, Paul, Chaffetz....


Can You Really Still Believe That None of These People Would Have Done a Better Job???

Bloggers' Rights at EFF


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Removing the Shackles… the Blindfolds and the Tape Before You Can’t… Or Welcome to Year Five In The Crazy House

I want to explain to everyone what is going on right now all across our planet. This is not going to be an easy task, as much of what I have to say is going to shatter beliefs and the preconceived notions of how our world works, on all levels, and the shock of it might be so profound that many will refuse to believe it. Before I start I want to say something to you all. I am putting this out here for you to read because it's my job to do so. It is the job of everyone who knows what is really going on around us, even if you know only small piece of the puzzle, to tell others and help them take their off their blindfolds. We have a responsibility to our friends and family and neighbors and even the grocer down the street, to help them understand. Even if they don't believe you, you've planted the seed in their minds, and when the massive changes happen, they will be better prepared to understand.

I've been posting articles daily to my friends about the arrests that are taking place and about the massive Banker resignations that are sweeping the world right now. I've been posting these things to sort of warm people up to the truth that's about to be disclosed to the world- a warm up so that when the announcements start to happen , people might not be quite so shocked by it all. As of yesterday there have been 116 banker resignations that we know of and about 90% of them have happened in the last two weeks. And believe me: none of these bankers have suddenly resigned because they have decided to find another job! This is one of the first major signs of what's about to happen.

The absolute first thing that I want to make clear to you is about the media. This is a vital point to understand because it's the basis of most of the problems that are going on right now. Our Mainstream Media (MSM) is NOT telling you the truth. About anything. For many years now, all the MSM has been bought up by 5 people- yes, almost 90% of the global mainstream media is owned by 5 people, (go ahead, look it up!), and they didn't buy it all up just as an investment. The MSM is tightly controlled and they report on only those stories that are allowed, and everything their controllers don't want the public to know is completely blacked out. The media is used to control us, to tell us what to think, to tell us how to feel, and most importantly to manipulate the population into doing what they want. The second most important thing to know is that the MSM is used for "debunking" any truths that do get out and to deny and make fun of any "conspiracy theories" when the truth does get out. When pieces of real facts and truths slip out into the public they immediately do everything in their power to make sure people don't believe it. This is a major propaganda campaign that has been running for decades. Pretty much every single major event in the last 50 years has been spun to make people believe the "official" story. The assignations of JFK and Martin Luther king, the wars in Viet Nam, the Gulf war(s), the cold war, .... there is not enough room here to give a complete list. Suffice to say, if it's labeled a "Conspiracy Theory" it's almost guaranteed to be true. (in future posts I will talk about several of these and explain the how and why).

The biggest "conspiracy theory" out there, one that they go to huge lengths to make fun of and to desperately try to debunk is the New World Order/Illuminatti/black hats/dark cabal theories. This is NOT a "theory". It is an absolute truth. Sadly people have been so brainwashed by the MSM that even when these powerful men (and women) openly talk about their "New World Order" people refuse to believe it is real. The media likes to scoff at people like Alex Jones (of and claim that these people are crack pots and delusional, what they don't tell you is that many of these groups have made more predictions that have come true, broken more major news stories, and dug up more information than any other "news" group on the planet. I'm not saying that they are all 100% correct- I don't completely agree with everything that Alex Jones says for example, but groups like his are reporting far more of the truth than anything in the MSM.

continue article at


2. Welcome to Year Five In The Crazy House - See Above

By Charles Hugh Smith



Welcome to the Crazy House, a rotting McMansion ruled by power-drunk megalomaniacs suffering from delusions of invulnerability and god-like powers. Why are we here, you ask? Because the drunks who run the household make it so darned easy: just keep quiet, listen politely to their ravings, and you get subsidized meals, free rent, a houseful of techno-gadgetry and nonstop entertainment--and that's not even counting the amusement value of their delusional, sloppy-drunk ramblings out by the rust-stained pool.

It takes a while to habituate to the Crazy House; at first, all the artifice, illusions, delusions and lies are disorienting. The dysfunctional "family" that runs the place acts like the money is endless, as if borrowing money was the same as actually producing something of value.

Meanwhile, you hear whispers that everything's paid with credit, and some of the vendors are threatening to cut the mansion's credit. That would be curtains for the whole charade, of course, but the "leaders" pontificate about the magnificence of the rotting mansion as if still having credit was the same as having productive wealth.

Will we ever get sick enough of the lies to leave the security offered by the Crazy House? Probably not, because it's too easy to stay: the food is greasy and sugary but tasty, the rent is basically free, and there's plenty of meds, booze and drugs to fix whatever "healthcare" issues you might have. Of course none of the meds actually restores your health; they only treat the symptoms of ill-health and ruin.

The sad thing about living in the Crazy House for four years is how living a life of illusory security saps the will and perhaps even the ability to function in the real world. The grease-soaked sugar bomb food they serve has left everyone obese and malnourished, and all the electronic toys and entertainment has rendered them mentally and physically unfit and terminally distracted.

They know the reassurances of the "leaders" are false, and that beneath the surface, everything in the mansion is either squalid and falling apart or ripe with the rot of corruption and lies. But leaving opens a Pandora's Box of uncertainty and sacrifice; it's easier to stay and listen to the absurd claims of godhood and endless wealth, and phony exhortations of the mansion's mythical "can-do" spirit.

As long as the vendors keep letting the mansion's delusional megalomaniacs run up their credit tab, then it's easier to passively stay put than to face the challenges of truth and reality outside the rotting palace of illusion and lies.



3. The US Is Living On Borrowed Time

Dave Cohen


4. Japan Is Now Another Spinning Plate In The Global Economy Circus

Chris Martenson


5. “I’m Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take This Anymore!”

D. Sherman Okst


6. Cause, Effect & The Fallacy Of A Return To Normalcy

Jim Quinn


7. European Banks Now Face Huge Margin Calls As ECB Collateral Crumbles



8. Atlas Doesn’t Shrug; Atlas Shrinks

Monty Pelerin


9. Fed Flying Blind

Axel G. Merk


10. Is China Just Another Debt Addict?

The Automatic Earth


11. The Mainstream Media Still Doesn’t Get The ECB Greek Debt Swap

Graham Summers


12. 'I Have Very Grave Reservations': Reader Response To US Situation

Monty Pelerin


13. Greed & Corruption On Pennsylvania Avenue

Charles Kadlec


14. 9 Republican AG's Allege Obama Administration Violates Law 21 Times



15. Obama Mulls Giving Moscow Data On Missile Defense



16. Governments Acting As Venture Capitalists

James Hall


17. The Pain Is Coming

Monty Pelerin


18. Stock Market No Place For Pros

Monty  Pelerin

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Source:  Before It Is News – h/t to John Rolls

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